


Speaker Request
Eric Yager, PhD


  • Ph.D.,生物医学科学,奥尔巴尼大学
  • B.Sc.,生物技术,罗切斯特理工学院


  • Immunology
  • Virology
  • 生物医学实验室技术I & II
  • Flow Cytometry


我实验室的研究重点是, 以及宿主防御, 人类包膜RNA病毒. 几种著名的人类疾病是由包膜RNA病毒引起的:流感, AIDS, hepatitis C, 登革出血热, 先天性寨卡综合症, and COVID-19. Novel insights into the relationship between viruses and human cells has the potential to lead to improved therapeutics and vaccines against these diseases. Currently, my team of undergraduate and graduate students are following these avenues of research:  

  1. 宿主脂质生物合成在RNA病毒感染中的作用. Viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites that hijack cellular factors and biosynthetic pathways to complete their life cycle. Emerging studies have revealed the importance of virus-host lipid interactions in the life cycle of several clinically important human RNA viruses. Specifically, 病毒可以瞄准脂质代谢, signaling, 以及将宿主细胞改造成有利于病毒复制的环境. 数据来自与Dr. Kouacou Konan (Albany Medical College) have revealed that the production of infectious influenza and Zika virus particles is dependent on host glycosphingolipid biosynthesis. Elucidating the impact of viral infection on the regulation of glycosphingolipid metabolism and identifying biosynthetic enzymes and metabolites critical for various stages viral life cycle may result in the development of antiviral therapies targeting these, 也许还有其他的, 人类包膜RNA病毒.
  2. 流感病毒感染期间炎症的分子调控. The body’s innate immune system is critical for the rapid control of pulmonary influenza infection as well as the induction of protective T cell and B cell immune responses. Innate immune cells express a collection of molecular “sensors” that allow them to detect influenza viruses early during infection. The cytoplasmic NLRP3 inflammasome complex triggers the production of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1-β (IL-1β) and interleukin 18 (IL-18) after sensing the virus. Several reports support that timely NLRP3 inflammasome activity is critical for antiviral immunity, whereas other reports have linked excessive NLRP3 inflammasome activity with cell death and tissue damage observed during infection by highly pathogenic strains of flu. Recent studies have identified small molecules (pyrin-only proteins or POPs) that are capable of modulating inflammasome activity in humans. Studies focused on the expression and function of POPs during human influenza virus infection will aid our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms that finely tune inflammatory responses to favor protection over pathology.
  3. 衰老对抗病毒免疫的影响. It is estimated that by 2030, nearly one of out every five Americans will be 65 years or older. 老龄人口规模的急剧增长给美国经济带来了新的挑战.S. healthcare system as aged individuals exhibit increased susceptibility to infectious disease and are less responsive to contemporary vaccine strategies. We are interested in understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors responsible for age-related changes in anti-viral immunity. Data from my postdoctoral studies showed that the naturally occurring contraction of the naïve T cell repertoire can result in impaired CD8 T cell responses to known immunodominant epitopes critical for protection against influenza virus infection. 这些数据对老年人疫苗的设计具有启示意义. 因为衰老与先天免疫力下降有关, 慢性炎症, 对病毒感染的易感性也会增加, our current studies are directed towards evaluating the impact of biological aging on the ability of the NLRP3 inflammasome to properly regulate inflammation and host defense. Results from these studies have the potential to facilitate the identification of new drug targets for the effective treatment of 慢性炎症, and/or the development of vaccination strategies to augment immunity and restore health in the rapidly growing elderly population.


  • 组织者,第53届年度区域会议,美国微生物学会,2018年10月16日
  • 美国微生物学会纽约东部分会主席,2017-2019年
  • AAI早期职业教师旅行资助,2015年
  • 2014年AAI青年研究者奖


  1. Konan KV, Ogbamikael SA, Yager E,陈建军,陈建军,陈建军,陈建军,陈建军. 通过鞘糖脂调节寨卡病毒复制. Virology. 2022;572:17-27.
  2. Yager EJ. 抗体依赖性增强和COVID-19:走向无罪释放. Clin Immunol. 2020;217:108496. 
  3. Yager EJ, Doll MK. Towards Understanding the Health and Economic Impacts of Quadrivalent and Trivalent Inactivated Vaccines Against Influenza B Infection: Additional Considerations for Future Cost-Benefit Analyses. [致编辑的信,2020年3月23日提前在网上发表]. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;ciaa309. 
  4. 叶杰,柯南KV. 鞘脂作为包膜人类RNA病毒的潜在治疗靶点. Viruses. 2019;11(10):912. 2019年10月1日发布. 
  5. Califano D, Sweeney KJ, Le H, VanValkenburgh J, Yager E, O'Connor W Jr, Kennedy JS, Jones DM, Avram Diverting T helper cell trafficking through increased plasticity attenuates autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Clin Invest. 2014;124(1):174-187. 
  6. Yager EJ, Stagnar C, Gopalakrishnan R, Fuller JT, Fuller DH. 在雪貂中优化颗粒介导的流感DNA疫苗表皮递送. Methods Mol Biol. 2013; 940:223-237. 
  7. Mathew A, Lindsley TA, Sheridan A, Bhoiwala DL, Hushmendy SF, Yager EJ, Ruggiero EA, Crawford DR. Degraded mitochondrial DNA is a newly identified subtype of the damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) family and possible trigger of neurodegeneration. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;30(3):617-627. 
  8. Fuller DH, Rajakumar P, Che JW, Narendran A, Nyaundi J, Michael H, Yager EJ, Stagnar C, Wahlberg B, Taber R, Haynes JR, Cook FC, Ertl P, Tite J, Amedee AM, Murphey-Corb M. Therapeutic DNA vaccine induces broad T cell responses in the gut and sustained protection from viral rebound and AIDS in SIV-infected rhesus macaques. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e33715. 
  9. Freeman ML, Burkum CE, Yager EJ伍德兰DL,布莱克曼MA. 小鼠γ疱疹病毒68潜伏期中B细胞的新生感染. J Virol. 2011;85(20):10920-10925. 
  10. Kohlmeier JE, Reiley WW, Perona-Wright G, Freeman ML, Yager EJ, Connor LM, Brincks EL, Cookenham T, Roberts AD, Burkum CE, Sell S, Winslow GM, Blackman MA, Mohrs M, Woodland DL. Chemokine receptors regulate CD8(+) T cell contraction and memory generation following infection. J Exp Med. 2011;208(8):1621-1634. 
  11. Yager EJ, Stagnar C, Gopalakrishnan R, Franchini A, Narendran A, Fuller JT, Fuller DH. Particle-mediated DNA vaccines against seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses elicit strong mucosal antibody and T cell responses in the lung. 《疫苗学进展. 2010; 3:2-11. 
  12. Loudon P.T., Yager EJ, Lynch DT, Narendran A, Stagnar C, Franchini AM, Fuller JT, White PA, Nyaundi J, Wiley CA, Murphey-Corb M, Fuller DH. GM-CSF increases mucosal and systemic immunogenicity of an H1N1 influenza DNA vaccine administered into the epidermis of non-human primates. PLoS One. 2010;5(6):e11021. 2010年6月8日出版. 
  13. Yager EJ, Kim IJ, Freeman ML, Lanzer KG, Burkum CE, Cookenham T伍德兰DL,布莱克曼MA. Differential impact of ageing on cellular and humoral immunity to a persistent murine gamma-herpesvirus. Immun Ageing. 2010;7:3. 2010年2月2日出版. 
  14. Yager EJ, Dean HJ, Fuller DH. 研制有效的抗流感颗粒介导DNA疫苗的前景. 专家Rev疫苗. 2009;8(9):1205-1220. 
  15. Yager EJ, Szaba FM, Kummer LW, Lanzer KG, Burkum CE, Smiley ST, Blackman MA. -疱疹病毒诱导的对细菌感染的保护是短暂的. Viral Immunol. 2009;22(1):67-72. 
  16. Maue AC, Yager EJ, Swain SL伍德兰DL,布莱克曼MA, Haynes L. t细胞免疫衰老:从小鼠衰老模型中获得的经验教训. Trends Immunol. 2009;30(7):301-305. 
  17. Ahmed M, Lanzer KG, Yager EJ亚当斯PS,约翰逊LL,布莱克曼MA. Clonal expansions and loss of receptor diversity in the naive CD8 T cell repertoire of aged mice. J Immunol. 2009;182(2):784-792. 
  18. Yager EJ, Ahmed M, Lanzer K, Randall TD伍德兰DL,布莱克曼MA. Age-associated decline in T cell repertoire diversity leads to holes in the repertoire and impaired immunity to influenza virus. J Exp Med. 2008;205(3):711-723. 


Yager E. “流行病”参与:用游戏化感染沉浸式在线病毒学课程. 麦格纳教学与技术会议,圣. 密苏里州,2018年10月5日至7日(与Tammy Garren合作).

Yager E. 教育和教学方法. 米歇尔·帕伦特的小组演讲, Anna McLoon, 凯利·霍尔斯特罗姆, 第53届美国地区微生物学会会议, Albany NY, October 16, 2018.